Coin Pusher World & 2 Bed 4 Pusher DLC!
╠➥ !show skins - This show what coins skins you own.
╠➥ !all - This will insert 50 coins.
╠➥ !insert all - inserts 50 coins.
╠➥ !insert (1-50) - will insert the number you pick of coins.
╠➥ !kick returns with variations: !punch, !skates, !egg, !crown, !pill .
╠➥ !coins - This will show how many coins you have to drop.
╠➥ !score - This will show you your score.
╠➥ !score - This will show you your score.
╠➥ !tickets - This will show how many tickets you have.
╠➥ !leaderboard - This shows Channel Leaderboard.
╠➥ !globalleaderboard - This shows Global Leaderboard.
╠➥ !skins - This show what coins skins you own.
╠➥ !setskin <skin_name> : Sets player's coin skin.
╠➥ !wall - Puts side walls up for 30 seconds costs 500 tickets.
╠➥ !wall10 - Puts side walls up for 10mins costs 5000 tickets .
╠➥ !wall1h - Puts side walls up for 1hr costs 20000 tickets .
╠➥ !v - Shows the game version.
Retro Coin Pusher World DLC
*Please remember commands from main game or 2 bed 4 pusher dlc does not work on the retro DLC.
╠➥ !insert (will only drop 1 coin) ╠➥ !insert 1-75 (drops between 1-75 coins) ╠➥ !insert all (drops 75 coins) ╠➥ !custom (coin name) - Only works if custom coins are added via game not the database ╠➥ !kick (shakes up the machine) ╠➥ !coins (shows how many coins u have in the machine)Diamond Skeeball Commands:
╠➥ !roll - This will roll your balls random direction and speed.
╠➥ !roll [power 1 to 5].
╠➥ !roll [startingPost -5 to 5].
╠➥ !roll [rotation 0 to 10].
╠➥ EG: !roll 3 3 5 or !roll.
╠➥ !help - This will tell you how to play.
Minesweeper Commands:
(only available in cpwgames channel)
╠➥ !dig A-J 0-9 (eg !dig A9)
╠➥ !flag A-J 0-9 (eg !flag A9)
╠➥ !check A-J 0-9 (eg !check A9)
╠➥ !status
Twitchinko Commands:
(only available in cpwgames channel, This game is no longer available.)
╠➥ !drop - This will drop 1 puck in to the game